When you start a new project P圜harm automatically creates a Venv, so all you need to do is activate the venv in your command prompt and use pip install to install pacakges to the venv. With P圜harm you can skip all the steps in the article and let P圜harm set up the venv for you. Using P圜harm to create a venv automatically This interpreter will then appear next to the play button on the main screen and allow you to run your script. After that click on add and then in base interpreter select the path to python.exe in the venv you have installed, this is the found in the scripts folder. Then click on the settings «cog» towards the top right. To do this on windows 10 you click on settings then project: then click on projectinterpreter from the drop down menu. This means you can chose the version of python (python.exe) installed in your venv. have to chose the interpreter you want to use yourself. When you want to run your script you can’t just click on the play button. I can create environments for 3.7 and 3.8. P圜harm is a bit more difficult to use, if you don’t know what you are doing. When creating a virtual environment using python 2.7 it fails with the message: RuntimeError: failed to find interpreter for Builtin discover of pythonspecpython2.7 I have python 2.7, 3.7 and 3.8 installed. I couldn’t get PyScripter (my originally IDE) to use the version of python in the venv so I downloaded the free/community version of P圜harm.

The IDE (an integrated development environment!) you use has to use the version of Python installed in the venv. One point that the above article covered too quickly (if you are a beginner like me) is that when you install a venv you also install a new version of python in the venv. Linking your IDE to a Venv you have already installed I followed the instructions in the article, but when I ran the script on PyScripter, PyScripter couldn’t find the library package that I had installed in the venv and I got a ModuleNotFoundError.

This article was a useful starting point. I am fairly new to Python but wanted to set up a virtual environment to install python packages to keep track of what I was doing in place.